
Meet Mr. Impossible

Pat Brown believes he can completely replace animals in the food system by 2035.

Read article "Meet Mr. Impossible"


E7: Safeguarding Earth with Food

Biodiversity is undergoing the sixth mass extinction. Tune in to hear Dr. Sonja Vermeulen, Christine Figgener and Jeremy Oppenheim discuss how food systems can safeguard earth.

Read article "E7: Safeguarding Earth with Food"

Talks & Videos

EAT-Lancet Explained

Co-chairs of the EAT-Lancet Commission, Prof. Johan Röckstrøm and Prof. Walter Willett take you through the groundbreaking report.

Read article "EAT-Lancet Explained"

Talks & Videos

Changing the Food System is a Necessity

Richard Horton interviews Prof. Johan Röckstrøm and Prof. Walter Willett about the EAT-Lancet report.

Read article "Changing the Food System is a Necessity"

Talks & Videos

Can healthy food save the planet?

The findings of the EAT-Lancet report explained.

Read article "Can healthy food save the planet?"


The Planetary Health Diet

The EAT-Lancet findings introduces the planetary health diet – the optimal diet for people and planet. Join us by eating more greens and wasting less food.

Read article "The Planetary Health Diet"


Five Questions on EAT-Lancet

Answers to five questions about the planetary health diet and the Commission.

Read article "Five Questions on EAT-Lancet"


E1: The Planetary Health Diet

Prof. Walter Willett and Prof. Johan Rockström take you through the key findings of the EAT-Lancet report.

Read article "E1: The Planetary Health Diet"


E0: The Big Picture

EAT's founder & executive chair Dr. Gunhild Stordalen reflects on the groundbreaking journey that lead to the launch of EAT-Lancet Commission.

Read article "E0: The Big Picture"


We Can Meet Human Demands and Do Better for Nature

A new study by The Nature Conservancy, suggests we don't have to choose between the environment and human development.

Read article "We Don’t Have to Choose Between The Environment and Human Development"