Press Releases
Leveraging aquatic foods can help policymakers address multiple global challenges, new analysis shows
The role of food from oceans, rivers and lakes in tackling malnutrition, cardiovascular disease, and climate risk is still underutilized, finds new Blue Food Assessment paper.
Press Releases
Herrero to bolster global dietary report with food system modeling
Mario Herrero has been appointed to the EAT-Lancet 2.0 leadership team to spearhead the modeling workstream.
Press Releases
Danone Nordics and EAT join forces
The core of the new partnership is the initiative to increase the awareness and drive a change to planetary diet in the Nordics.
Press Releases
Global case competition aims at redesigning the world’s food systems
EAT, BI Norwegian Business School and consulting firm Kearney are supporting the UN Food Systems Summit 2021 by hosting a virtual global case competition for academic institutions and the public.
EAT News
No Protection from Pandemics Unless we Fix our Food Systems
Open letter to the G20 from the EAT Advisory Board.
Press Releases
Norwegian Seafood Council joins forces with EAT
The aim is to contribute to a crucial shift in global food systems to include more food from the ocean.
Cities Leading the Way Towards Healthy Food Environments for Children
Two case studies are helping to build an understanding of the role cities can play in securing healthy food environments for all children.
EAT News
EAT at the UN Food Systems Summit 2021
Our Founder and Executive Chair Dr. Gunhild Stordalen is appointed a leading role at the UN Food Systems Summit.
Enhancing Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) for Food Systems
This new report identifies 16 ways policymakers can take more action from farm to fork.
Press Releases
G20 Leadership Critical for Ensuring Healthy Food for Humanity
Shifting diets and more ambitious national dietary guidelines in these countries could unlock climate, health, environment benefits and reduce the risk of future pandemics.