Author: Iain Shepherd
The Healthy Eater-Activist in the Capital of Beef
The country that used to lead the world in red meat-consumption is changing its diets.
A Healthy Human Future Depends on Healthy Oceans. Here’s Why.
Blue food could have a huge role to play in feeding the planet sustainably and healthily.
Salmon Poke Bowl
Perfect for a weeknight or for having friends over!
Pea Pod Noodle Salad
In this recipe, flavor is king. The secret's in the dressing.
Warming Coconut Stew
A simple and comforting dish best paired with seasonal vegetables
Smokey Black Beans on Toast
A dish packed full of flavor, fiber and protein
Can a Scientific Commission Change the World?
A year after its publication, a look at how the EAT-Lancet Commission is impacting the food system.
2019: A Super Year in Science
The science is clearer than ever. We need to transform our food systems, and we need to do it now.
A Festive Holiday Menu
For a healthy and sustainable winter celebration!
Confronting Climate Change and BioDiversity Loss with Traditional Farming and Indigenous Ingredients
In the Andes of Peru, a culinary superstar and his team are elevating traditional and indigenous food secrets that could set us on course to a sustainable food future.