Today we’re talking to Abigail Herron, Global Head of Responsible Investment at Aviva Investors, which manages close to USD 0.5 trillion worth of assets.
We discuss why investors are increasingly paying attention to the financial risks connected to factory farming, oceanic plastic, anti-microbial resistance and the global decline of pollinators.
There are significant risks to the way we produce our food that is lurking in the blind spots of the world’s capital markets. Left unchecked, these risks could have potential financial impacts running into trillions of dollars. Abigail tells us how Aviva is working with the financial community to help us towards a more sustainable, well-fed, future.
About the Food Can Fix It Podcast
Food Can Fix It is a podcast produced by EAT as part of our mission to create a fair and sustainable global food system for healthy people, animals and planet.
Our weekly interviews spotlight the work of activist chefs, visionary political leaders, socially responsible investors and groundbreaking entrepreneurs and scientists who are transforming the way we produce, consume and think about food.
Tune in to hear about how children in Peru are being taught to like dark chocolate, how used tea leaves from market stalls are employed to produce mushrooms in Bangladeshi shanty towns and how the loss of pollinators is impacting investment returns.