
The Urban Food Revolution

A shift in diets can reduce urban emissions with 60% in just 10 years.

Read article "The Urban Food Revolution"


How Do We Plan Cities For Children?

UNICEF has published a handbook, outlining strategies to create healthy, safe, inclusive, green and prosperous cities.

Read article "How Do We Plan Cities For Children?"


E6: How Cities Change Eating Habits

Tom Arnold and Emily Norford on the challenges the urban diet poses to health and the planet, but most importantly on the solutions that can fix them.

Read article "E6: How Cities Change Eating Habits"


Snacks & the City: the Malnutrition Cocktail

How can urban food environments invert the trend towards the production and promotion of healthier diets?

Read article "Snacks & the City: the Malnutrition Cocktail"


The Power of the Plate

Through C40, cities around the world have made commitments to cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and lead the way towards a healthier and more sustainable future.

Read article "The Power of the Plate"


How Can Cities Ensure Healthy and Sustainable Diets for Children?

The World Urban Forum is the world’s leading convening platform on urban development. This February, EAT was present in Kuala Lumpur to shed light on the potential of cities to deliver healthy and sustainable diets to all children within planetary boundaries.

Read article "How Can Cities Ensure Healthy and Sustainable Diets for Children?"

Talks & Videos

How Five Cities Are Changing Their Food System | Sudhvir Singh

Read article "How Five Cities Are Changing Their Food System | Sudhvir Singh"


Food Insecurity: Cities at the Frontline

Milan’s Mayor Giuseppe Sala says accelerating urbanization is a threat to food security, but thinks cities can also be the answer to the problem. EAT spoke to the leader of the world’s only declaration on urban food policies.

Read article "Food Insecurity: Cities at the Frontline"