Author: Iain Shepherd
Cities Leading the Way Towards Healthy Food Environments for Children
Two case studies are helping to build an understanding of the role cities can play in securing healthy food environments for all children.
Enhancing Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) for Food Systems
This new report identifies 16 ways policymakers can take more action from farm to fork.
Re-Thinking Urban Food Environments Post-COVID-19
The impacts of the pandemic on urban food environments, together with research and design firm Gehl.
Cities Are Joining Forces in the Fight Against COVID-19
A close look at how the C40 Food Systems Network and its member cities are working to address the impacts of the pandemic.
Securing a Healthy and Sustainable Food Future for Children: Advancing the CHEW Agenda
EAT and UNICEF convened 29 distinguished experts in food systems from across the globe for interactive planning and dialog to bring the program to life.
Press Releases
G20 Leadership Critical for Ensuring Healthy Food for Humanity
Shifting diets and more ambitious national dietary guidelines in these countries could unlock climate, health, environment benefits and reduce the risk of future pandemics.
Press Releases
Reimagining Food Systems: Driving Action for a Post-COVID World
The Rockefeller Foundation and EAT co-hosted a virtual convening, that highlighted the critical need and unique opportunity for food system transformation in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic.
Chef Alejandra Schrader’s Nutrient-Dense Arepa with Plant-Based “Dominó” Filling
Chefs, COVID-19 & Food Systems
A look into how chefs and restaurants around the world have been affected by COVID-19.