Our guest today is Thina Saltvedt, formerly one of Norway’s most profiled oil analysts and now a senior advisor for Sustainable Finance at Nordea Bank, the largest banking group in the Nordic region.
Thina talked to us about what prompted her career switch, why the financial industry needs to become more vocal on how it will contribute to global climate change mitigation and what lessons the food industry can learn from the transition the energy sector is undergoing.
About the Food Can Fix It Podcast
Our host Marianne Stigset talks to the leaders on the frontlines of the food revolution.
Food Can Fix It is a podcast produced by EAT as part of our mission to create a fair and sustainable global food system for healthy people, animals and planet.
Our weekly interviews spotlight the work of activist chefs, visionary political leaders, socially responsible investors and groundbreaking entrepreneurs and scientists who are transforming the way we produce, consume and think about food.
Tune in to hear about how children in Peru are being taught to like dark chocolate, how used tea leaves from market stalls are employed to produce mushrooms in Bangladeshi shanty towns and how the loss of pollinators is impacting investment returns.