Author: Iain Shepherd
E0: The Big Picture
EAT's founder & executive chair Dr. Gunhild Stordalen reflects on the groundbreaking journey that lead to the launch of EAT-Lancet Commission.
Variety as the spice of life
Eating our way through the EAT-Lancet diet. A blog post by Dr. Sonja Vermeulen
Indonesia Walking the Talk
The Government of Indonesia has shown exemplary leadership on shifting towards healthy and sustainable diets.
How Do We Plan Cities For Children?
UNICEF has published a handbook, outlining strategies to create healthy, safe, inclusive, green and prosperous cities.
Asia-Pacific Brings Words Into Action
Shortly after the EAT Asia-Pacific Food Forum, a policy brief was written as a part of Indonesia's new 5-year National Development plan, including ways to ensure healthy and sustainable food for all.
New Technology Alone is Not Enough
Increased food production won’t solve our problems; changing our habits will, says farmer Ajay Vir Jakhar.
We Can Meet Human Demands and Do Better for Nature
A new study by The Nature Conservancy, suggests we don't have to choose between the environment and human development.
Feeding 10 Billion People Within Planetary Limits May Be Achievable
On the condition that we transform our food system, say researchers
IPCC’s Message is Clear: We Need to Act Now
It’s all over the news. One of the most important reports on climate change was published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) today.
The World’s Food System in Need of ‘Dugnad’
Noncommunicable diseases are on the rise. Luckily, food can fix it, and we were at the 73rd UN General Assembly to spread the word.