Six considerations for organizing a multi-actor Dialogue Forum

Intended to guide youth organizations, policymakers, civil society organisations, municipalities, and other actors interested in organizing a multi-actor and intergenerational Dialogue Forum.

Co-creation of policy has been an important and unique aspect of the CO-CREATE project. A key part of this was the development of a Dialogue Forum tool to bring together youth with decision-makers from various sectors and stakeholder groups, to discuss and refine policy ideas or initiatives in a meaningful way, to help co-create solutions for a healthier future. 

From June 2020 to March 2022, the CO-CREATE project successfully delivered 20 Dialogue Forums at the local, national and regional level. A set of considerations has now been published on how to establish multi-actor Dialogue Forums. These have been informed by the knowledge and data gathered in the CO-CREATE project, from discussions with young people and adult stakeholders about their experiences in the Dialogue Forums, and from executing and evaluating 20 Dialogues Forums.

The six considerations are intended to guide youth organizations, policymakers, civil society organisations, municipalities, and other actors interested in organizing a multi-actor and intergenerational Dialogue Forum, and should be considered by the host in the planning, execution, and follow-up phases. 


Read the six considerations for multi-actor Dialogue Forums, available alongside free access to the Dialogue Forum tool.

You can find the full report published in April 2022 on the following link: A set of recommendations for how to establish multi-actor Dialogue Forums.

The CO-CREATE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme for Sustainable Food Security under grant agreement No 774210.

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