EAT-Lancet’s Impact in Stories
National Geographic

Read: How can we feed 10 billion people without destroying the environment.
In this infographic-led article, National Geographic uses eye-catching and informative visuals to lift up the some of the key takeaways from the EAT-Lancet report. By revisualizing the consumption patterns of the planet by regions, they are able to demonstrate that a global shift is needed to achieve healthy and sustainable diets for all.
The New York Times

Read: Your questions about food and climate change, answered.
The following offers the reader a chance to delve into more detail about the impact of individual food on climate change, and handy tips on what you actions you can take to be climate-friendly. Not sure where you stand? Take the quiz.

Read: Alec Baldwin: The path to a better planet goes across your plate.
Our actions are fundamentally altering the planet. In this op-ed, Alec Baldwin urges us to focus on halting the rapid development of land for food-use and instead make the most of what we already have.
UN Environment

Read: Food for thought: dietary changes can improve our health, health of planet.
In this piece, the United Nations Environmental Programme highlights the inextricable link between food, health and climate, and shares some optimism by elevating work being done to transform food systems for people and for planet.
The Guardian

Read: How diet became the latest front in the culture wars.
With great change comes great controversy. Dive into the reactions provoked by the publication of a report that proposes systems change — and perhaps also culture change — when it comes to the way we eat.

Read: Can the EAT-Lancet diet work for the global south?
The EAT-Lancet’s planetary health diet brings to light the fact that a common global problem will require multiple local solutions. How can one reference diet meet the needs of many?