The Harvard Global Equity Initiative (HGEI) is an interfaculty research program at Harvard University devoted to promoting more equitable development with a particular focus on the dimension of health. It addresses these issues by conducting research, engaging in policy discussions, and producing and disseminating evidence, education, and training with an interdisciplinary approach. Being an inter-faculty initiative it has the capacity to reach across the different schools of Harvard University and beyond; this is clearly represented in the HGEI Steering Committee.
The HGEI team offers substantial experience garnered in developing countries undertaking research, participating in developing and evaluating policy and programs, and working for and with governmental and non-governmental organizations, particularly on the issues of health system strengthening, as well as women and health. This interdisciplinary group has demonstrated capacity to translate research into policy recommendations. The global experience will make it possible for HGEI to reach out to key actors and informants throughout the world.