Each year, EAT-partner and forum host, Nordic Choice Hotels, challenges chefs from their more than 190 hotels to come up with new recipes for a lunch aligned with the EAT values. This year, the jury was overwhelmed by the number of applicants and the high quality, from tacos to fine dining. The winner stood out with excellent taste and a special focus on ingredients with minimal water consumption.

Emine is a student chef at Clarion Copenhagen Airport Hotel. Originally from Turkey, she is an educated food engineer, but moved to Denmark eleven years ago. Emine is a passionate chef, vegetarian and mother of an 8 months old girl. She´s dedicated to serve both her guests and her family food that is healthy and sustainable, choosing fruit and vegetables in season to reduce their environmental footprint. She is proud to share the recipes with her colleagues – and with the EAT community (se below).

Parsley ”Coated” Cod, Cauliflower variations, Seabean, Malt flakes and Fish sauce
(4 couverts)
Marinated And Baked Cod With A Parsley Coating
700-800 g Cod file (when prepped, it will be ca. 175 grams per person) 1 dl rapeseed oil
1 dl lemon juice salt and pepper
Parsley coating
100 g coconut oil (tasteless) 1/2 bundle parsley
Thoroughly wash and dry of the water from the parsley. Chop the parsley rustikly. Put the parsley and coconut oil in a termomixer and blend at 40 C degrees for about 3-4 minutes, until the parsley is finely blended. Put the mixture on a baking sheet, and scrape it evenly so it becomes thin (2-3 cm). Put it in the freezer for at least 1 hour. Cut the coating in squares that will cover the cod, when it is portioned. Keep it in the freezer until you have to use it. Take of the skin and bones from the cod, portion it, seal it in the plastic bag with lemon juice, rapeseed oil, salt and pepper and rub it so the cod will be thoroughly marinated. Press the air out of the bag or vacuum seal it. Refrigerate the cod overnight for the strongest flavor. The longer it marinates, the more flavorful and moist the cod will become. If you don’t have the time, an hour will suffice. Preheat oven to 170C, prepare oven dish with a baking sheet. Remove cod from marinade and bake for 7-9 minutes, until cod is opaque and flakes easily. Put frozen parsley flakes on it and bake it 1-2 minutes more, until the flakes melt.
Marinated Seabeans
200 g seabeans
Blanched sea beans lightly and put them into ice cold water. On plating, take the seabeans from the water, dry them and marinate with a little dash of rapeseed oil.
Cauliflower Variations
You will need two pieces of cauliflower for all of the four variations.
Blanched Cauliflower
Salt and pepper
Cut the cauliflower in half and then cut it thin (3-4 cm) – save the leftovers for later. Blanche it in salty water, which is just under boiling point (the cauliflower will brake and not hold the wished shape). Take it out, when it is ”al dente” – put it in iced water. On plating heat it up by covering it with hot water for at couple of minutes – dry it on a cloth and season with salt and pepper
Pickled Cauliflower
16 small peeled cauliflower bouquets
2 dl white vinegar
2 dl sugar
2 dl water
1⁄2 teaspoon of whole black pepper
3 bayleafs
1 teaspoon of yellow mustard seeds
Cut cauliflower in small bouquets – save the leftovers for later. Boil sugar, vinegar, water and dry herbs. Take it from heat and put the cauliflower bouquets in. Wait until it gets cold. On plating, take the cauliflower from the liquid and heat it until it is over room temperature.
Fresh Cauliflower
Peel the cauliflower in bouquets with the stalks – save the leftovers for later. Cut it in thin slices and put ice water with a little lemon juice in it. You will need about 16 slices (4 per plate)
Cauliflower Pure With Squid Ink
Cauliflower leftovers
1⁄2 a cauliflower dash of rapeseed oil (not cold pressed) salt and pepper
1 dl cream
3 dl fish stock
150 g coconut oil (tasteless)
2 tablespoons squid ink
Take the cauliflower leftovers and possibly add some more. Make sure the cauliflower is cut into small pieces, mix with rapeseed oil, salt and pepper. Preheat oven to 190 C degrees. Put the cauliflower in a baking dish with a baking sheet. Roast the cauliflower until it gets a beautiful brown colour and not black. Take cauliflower from the oven and blend it in a termomixer with coconut oil on 70 C degrees. Add cream and fish fond until it’s a creamy thick consistency. Pass it through a sift, into a pot and add the ink. Heat it up while stirring so the ink colour will appear. Before plating, heat up the puré and put it into a piping bag and keep it hot.
Foamy Fish Sauce
Fish Stock
1 kg fish bones
1 carrot
1 onion
1 leek
1 potato
2 bay leaf half handful thyme
1 liter of water approx.
1 dl rapeseed oil
Clean and peel the vegetables. Cut them into as thin slices. Get it all in a saucepan. Vegetables and herbs first, deglaze with white win, Finally, the fish. Bring it to boil. Remove the foam that will appear on the surface, it makes the stock blurred. If the stock boils for more than 20 minutes it will become bitter. That is why it is important to cut the vegetables in thin pieces, to get the flavours into the stock. Turn the temperature down and simmer for 20 minutes.
Fish Sauce
2,5 dl fish stock
2,5 dl cream
1⁄2 lemon
Bring the fish stock to boil, add cream and reduce 1/3. On plating, bring the sauce to boiling point, add a little butter and use a hand blender to make it foamy.
Malt Flakes
100 gr wheat flour
2 dl dark beer
50 g sugar
5 dl frying oil
Mix dark beer and flour with a whisk, so there is no lumps. Add sugar. Let the batter rest for 30 minutes. Put it into a piping bag and press it thin in 180 C degree frying oil.