Dr. Sudhvir Singh is the Director of Policy at EAT, leading the team that translates scientific knowledge to action through advancing integrated food system policies at local, national and international levels. The policy team co-ordinates EAT’s programs on cities, nutrition and noncommunicable diseases and informs the strategy and content of EAT’s engagements.
Dr. Singh received the most distinguished graduate award from the Auckland School of Medicine, where he also studied for a degree in Public Health, before completing the written and clinical examinations of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. Prior to joining EAT, he led the organisation Generation Zero campaigning for better transport, urban design and climate change policy, and he also chaired the Resident Doctor Council of the New Zealand Medical Association.
Dr. Sudhvir Singh has co-edited the Environmental Health chapter in one of the leading international textbooks on global health and has been part of government delegations to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development and the World Health Assembly. Dr. Singh is a New Zealand national.