Ajay Vir Jakhar is a citrus farmer based in Village Maujgarh in Punjab, India. He is Chairman of Bharat Krishak Samaj (Farmers’ Forum, India) (http://bks.org.in/) which was formed in 1955 and is a non-political, non-sectarian association of farmers’ advocating for farmer prosperity. Bharat Krishak Samaj is a non-political association of farmers’ advocating the crucial need for India to focus on farmer prosperity. Creating a common meeting ground where all men and women who are interested in strengthening the agricultural economy of the country can meet and utilize their intelligence, resources and energy to help those engaged to produce more from their land (http://bks.org.in/activities/). He regularly holds Seminars and Conferences on issues of relevance to the farming community and speaks at various National and International Forums. His articles (http://www.ajayvirjakhar.com/) appear regularly in various newspapers and publications. Editor of agriculture magazines; “Farmers’ Forum” (http://farmersforum.in/) and “Krishak Samachar” targeting farmers, policy makers and those that influence policy in Indifarmer prosperity, self-sustainability & equal opportunities. Enjoys walking and reading.