How we work
To ensure success, EAT connects and partners across science, policy, business and civil society to achieve five urgent and radical transformations by 2050.

We work to:
- Shift the world to healthy, tasty and sustainable diets
- Realign food system priorities for people and planet
- Produce more of the right food, from less
- Safeguard our land and oceans
- Radically reduce food losses and waste
To address these challenges, we use a framework for change that sets up a dynamic three-way interaction across knowledge, engagement and action. The generation of new knowledge provides direction and an evidence base for change. Creative engagement with partners across business, policy and science amplifies messages and spurs action for change. Partnerships inspired through engagement and informed by knowledge enabled actions leading to change and impact at scale.
Our approach to food system transformation coupled with our framework for change constitute our ‘DNA’.