Best evidence on key challenges to ensure healthy and sustainable food and land use systems flags critical dietary and environmental limits that must be maintained in order to achieve health and sustainability targets. Two proposed non-transgressible limits present equally compelling narratives, yet equally challenging ambitions: zero hunger and zero land expansion. In the simplest terms, zero hunger as the clear ambition that all people – especially children – have access to sufficient and nutritious food all year round. Zero land expansion in turn recognizes that further conversion of natural ecosystems, particularly tropical forests, to croplands and rangelands dramatically limits our ability to meet climate, biodiversity, and other environmental targets. Achieving E.O. Wilson’s ambitious Half Earth Target, and feeding humanity is feasible, but requires triggering at least five major levers at once: significant dietary shifts towards plant-based diets, large reductions in food waste and loss, strict management of land and oceans, trade, and sustainable intensification of production systems to close yield gaps.

The Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land and Energy (FABLE) team of the Food and Land Use Coalition has launched an ambitious program to facilitate the development of national and global pathways to healthy and sustainable food and land use systems. These pathways reveal the degree of collective effort required by policy, the private sector, and civil society amongst others and provide an important tool by which actors can set calibrated collective ambitions for food and land use system transformation.

This dialogue is co-organized by the Food and Land Use Coalition and presents the modelling process being used by FABLE to iteratively develop national roadmaps. The session is a by invitation only consultative meeting to solicit feedback on input parameters, scenario options, and output results of FABLE country models. Questions to be addressed include:

  • What are priority actions and extent of impact anticipated on reduced food waste and loss, sustainable intensification, and dietary shifts?
  • How do these levers vary across scale?
  • What are the bottlenecks and challenges slowing progress (technological, consumer behavior, trade, legislation)?


Co-organizers: FReSH and FOLU

Moderator: Fabrice DeClerck, Science Director, EAT

Room: Saturnus (Level 3), Quality Hotel Globe (located adjacent to Annexet, the Forum venue)

Time: Tuesday 12 June from 09:00 – 12:00

For questions about this session, please contact EAT Science Director Fabrice DeClerck,

Please note EAT may take photos during the session – feel free to contact us if you prefer not to be photographed.

Agenda & Background Paper

Please click the links below to download the session’s agenda and background paper.