Putting Food in Food
Processed food presents a significant challenge and opportunity as a key business solution for tackling both environmental sustainability and improved human dietary health. On the one hand food processing improves safety and food access, but on the other hand it has become synonymous with unhealthy foods whose overconsumption drives much of the dietary health pandemic. From an environmental perspective, food processing and packaging is an opportunity to convert perishable foods with high nutritional values and high environmental footprints into longer shelf life items (although environmental impacts of packaging material are an important emerging issue).
Building on the first FReSH Science to Solutions Dialogue held in London in March of 2018, this EAT Stockholm Food Forum Disruptive Dialogue will present a four-dimension solutions framework (environmental, social, dietary health, and business case) against which specific packaged and processed food items will be evaluated for their positive contribution to EAT-Lancet targets. Building on the solutions spaces identified in London, four to six food items volunteered by the participants will be presented as “solutions” to both dietary health and environmental sustainability; through a facilitated discussion, discussion participants will comment on the impact of the food item on human health, environmental sustainability, social impact, and business case.
The discussion will be facilitated in order to (1) test the evaluation framework developed by FReSH, (2) test the viability of the proposed food items in contributing to EAT-Lancet targets, and (3) identify opportunities and enablers that accelerate scaling solutions. We will present specific products volunteered by the participants as real business solutions to dietary health and sustainability, and use the facilitated conversation to enable the identification of specific and real barriers (technological, political, consumer choice) to scaling.
Co-organizer: FReSH
Moderator: Alison Cairns, Program Director, WBCSD
Room: Tre Kronor (Level 5),Quality Hotel Globe (located adjacent to Annexet, the Forum venue)
Time: Tuesday 12 June from 09:00 – 12:00
For questions about this session, please contact EAT Science Director Fabrice DeClerck, fabrice@eatforum.org
Please note EAT may take photos during the session – feel free to contact us if you prefer not to be photographed.
Agenda & Background paper
Please click the links below to download the session’s agenda and background paper.
Agenda - Putting Food in Food
Agenda-Putting-Food-in-Food-1.pdf | 581 KB -
Background paper - Putting Food in Food
Background-Paper-Putting-Food-in-Food-1.pdf | 393 KB